Masters Thesis

The thesis work has an extent of 30 ECTS.  

You perform your thesis work during the fourth semester while enrolled at your host university. There will be a supervisor from both your host and your home university. In most cases you will be physically located at the host university during the entire thesis work, but if you and your supervisors agree you can choose to do part of the thesis work at your home university. A third party such as a public or private research organisation, or an industry may also be involved in the thesis work.

Finding a Supervisor and Co-supervisor

You will select your main supervisor from the host university academic staff and your co-supervisor from the home university academic staff.  Please remember that both the supervisor and the co-supervisor are required in order for you to graduate with the EnvEuro double-degree and it is advisable to start looking for your co-supervisor already in your first semester – and well before you transfer to your host university.  You will need to have selected your co-supervisor and supervisor by the end of your 3rd semester. 

The following document is for EnvEuro master thesis supervisors and offers a summary of responsibilities and requirements.


The following document is created for EnvEuro master thesis supervisors and offers a summary of responsibilites and requirements.

Thesis Contract

The thesis contract is to be completed under the rules and guidance from your host university. Here are some links for more information.

BOKU - Master thesis information

UCPH - Master thesis information

UHOH - Master thesis information

SLU - Master thesis information