Program overview

EnvEuro is a double degree MSc program offered in the frame of the Euroleague for Life Sciences. The EnvEuro MSc program is an international program that spans across Europe and includes students from all over the world; you will most likely encounter many new experiences throughout your two years in the program. The EnvEuro webpage is a great resource to help you get an understanding of the different university structures and general governmental procedures that vary across the countries and universities.

Mandatory mobility within in EnvEuro

EnvEuro is a 2 year double degree Master program with mandatory mobility of 60 ECTS. This which means that you will spend the first two semesters at your home university and the two last semesters a your host university, giving you a truly international experience, and earning you two master degrees instead of one.

Introduction days

The EnvEuro Master program begins with the EnvEuro introduction days:

Introduction days to EnvEuro is mandatory 
All students enrolled in the EnvEuro MSc program will meet to get to know each other and meet the EnvEuro coordinators. 
Introduction to the EnvEuro MSc program and the six specialisations in Environmental Science - Soil, Water and Biodiversity, a workshop about your specialisations and partner universities.

Sunday 20th October 2024, 9.00-16.30 (zoom call, invitation by email)
Meet your fellow students in the program at the partner universities
 Introduction to the double degree MSc program; Workshop about the six specialisations; 
Intro to the four universities 
13.30-16.30: Kick-off to the mandatory course Environmental Management in Europe course (EME).
We are (blended online event with satellites at the four partner universities or log-in from at home)

Social life in the EnvEuro community 

We encourage you to kick-start your connection to other EnvEuro students in the special EnvEuro community event at the ELLS scientific students conference in Wageningen, The Netherlands  22nd - 23rd November 2024, plus our special for EnvEuro students: joint dinner for EnvEuro students in the evening Saturday 23rd November, and 
Sunday 24th November 2024, 9-12, with social activities for to meet your fellow students from all four universities. 
9-10: EnvEuro World Café with a) finding your specialisation, b) EME interaction; c) QA on tranfers to host university; d) finding a thesis topic and supervisors. 
10-12: Talks from graduated EnvEuro's about 
career experience


The EnvEuro Master program is offered in cooperation between the four partner universities:

BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria

SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden

UCPH - University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark

UHOH - University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany

Check out the universities.

EnvEuro program structure

All specialisations feature pre-designed semester packages with mandatory and elective courses. By joining the EnvEuro Master program you will get a strong profile in Environmental Science with the best from the participating universities. 

The full Master program has an extent of 120 ECTS and the program is structured in 4 semester packages, each with a workload of 30 ECTS:

Home University

1. Semester

Basic Semester Package (BSP)

E-learning course: Environmental Management in Europe, 7.5 ECTS
Mandatory and elective courses, 22.5 ECTS

2. Semester

Start specialisation


Mandatory and elective courses, 30 ECTS
Host University

3. Semester

Continue or change specialisation


Mandatory courses and elective courses 30 ECTS

4. Semester

Masters Thesis

Masters Thesis, 30 ECTS 

Basic semester (BSP)

You follow the Basic Semester Package (BSP) at your home university, including the mandatory 7.5 ECTS e-learning course Environmental Management in Europe (EME). 

Specialisations (ASP-1, ASP-2)

In the second semester, you follow one of six specialisations at your Home university as the first Advanced Semester Package (ASP-1).
In the third semester, you go to your Host university and continue the specialisation or change to another specialisation as the second Advanced Semester Package (ASP-2).

The six specialisations are: 

  • Water Resources
  • Environmental Impacts
  • Soil Resources and Land Use
  • Ecosystems and Biodiversity
  • Environmental Management
  • Climate Change

Read more about specialisations and see courses here specialisations and courses page

 Thesis semester

In the EnvEuro program, you will write your thesis (30 ECTS) in the 4th (and last) semester of the EnvEuro program.
When writing your thesis you follow the regulations at your host university (where you are writing your thesis).

Finding a supervisor and co-supervisor

The EnvEuro program is unusual in that not only is it conducted across two universities in two countries, you will also be required to find a supervisor and a co-supervisor from both your host university and home university. You will select your main supervisor from the host university academic staff and your co-supervisor from the home university academic staff.  Please remember that both the supervisor and the co-supervisor are required in order for you to graduate with the EnvEuro double-degree and it is advisable to start considering potential co-supervisors in your first year while you are studying at your home university. Finally, you will need to have officially selected both your supervisor and co-supervisor by the end of your 3rd semester

For more information regarding the thesis semester, see the thesis page Thesis page  on the website


For graduation information please visit the intranets of  our partner universities.