
On successful completion of the MSc programme, you will receive a diploma from each of the two universities, where you have conducted your studies.

 The names of the MSc on the diplomas are:

BOKU MSc in Environmental Science
SLU MSc in Environmental Science
UCPH MSc in Environmental Science with specialisation in Soil, Water and Biodiversity
UHOH MSc in Environmental Science - Soil, Water and Biodiversity

How to get your diploma from HOME and HOST

Once you have completed the double degree MSc programme, you need to order your MSc diploma according to the regulations of your Home and Host University (remember to order at both HOME and HOST to obtain the two diplomas in your double degree).

It is the students’ responsibility to send the transcript of records of their HOME university to the examinations office of their HOST university and vice versa. Only once the examinations offices have received the transcript of records of the other partner university they can issue your Master’s degree diploma. The exchange of grades does not happen automatically.
To minimise delay, you can transfer the HOME credits to your HOST already at the beginning of the second year.

Please check the BOKU EnvEuro website
In order to get your SLU diploma please follow below instructions:
- Apply for a credit transfer from the other partner university to SLU as described at SLU student web credit transfer (detailed instructions on page 2 of the form you download).
Please observe that if you are a SLU host student the credit transfer is preferably done long before you are ready with the MSc thesis
Apply for the MSc degree diploma as described at SLU student web degree

Please submit an application for transfer of credit on your Study Information at KUnet

 You need the following documents to transfer credits from your HOME or HOST university
- final UCPH transcript of grades
- final transcript of grades from the other partner university
- (if BOKU is your home or host university, we also need your BOKU ICP)

Once you receive confirmation that all documentation has been received, you can expect to receive your UCPH diploma within two months. 

​​Your diploma will automatically be sent to you when you have graduated your program:
If ​you have a Danish CPR-number you will receive your diploma in your E-boks.
If you do not have a Danish CPR-number you will receive the diploma in your KUmail.

Please send below information to pa-an@verwaltung.uni-hohenheim.de:
- final transcript of the other partner university
- (if BOKU is your home or host university, we also need your BOKU ICP)
In case you want to receive your final UHOH diploma by ordinary mail, please also indicate your current address.
You can expect to receive your UHOH diploma within two-three weeks.

How to get your EnvEuro double degree diploma

Once you have received your official MSc degree diploma from both HOME and HOST university, you can send an email to the EnvEuro consortium secretariat enveuro@science.ku.dk with your two official diplomas attached, and apply for your double degree diploma that connects the HOME and HOST diplomas.

Note: this third diploma has no legal binding, but explains the connection between the two official diplomas in your double degree.